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Our Vision: Hope of A Better Age

We at Lumination Inc. thinks that studying how light affects plant reactions can empower Singaporean farmers to grow more nutritious plants to feed Singaporeans, reducing our reliance on foreign imports. By using our knowledge of chemistry, our organisation believes that we can help Singapore reach its 30 by 30 target of producing 30% of our nutritional needs locally.

Our Products​


In order to fulfil our vision, we would like to recommend indoor farmers to consider adopting our indoor lighting system products.


The first solution, the EfficiencyLight™ solution involves shining intense bright green light directly above the plants to maximise the rate of photosynthesis, which would cause an increase in the rate of production of glucose, and also increases the amount of Vitamin C in the plants. In addition, we would also shine red light at a 45 degree angle from the plant, so that plant growth would be facilitated more efficiently by its plant growth hormones. In addition, white ambient light will be used to provide the plants with the blue light required for the normal functioning of the plant.


The second solution, the ProtectorLight™ solution involves shining mild red light all around the plant, which maximises the rate of photosynthesis while minimising the damage done to plants by cyanide poisoning.


Visit our Lab at 1 Raffles Instituition Lane Singapore 575954, Rajaratnam Block G5-05 for more information.


Lumination Incorporation is a fictitious non-profit organisation formulated and founded by Raffles Instituition Students Nathan, Addison and Yu An for the 27th Chem.Comm Challenge.


Here we would like to express our thanks to everyone helped us along the way during this project, especially our teacher, Mr Jason Tan, for giving his valuable expertise and time for this project, and also our seniors from the RI 26th Chem.Comm Challenge Team 1 (Marcus, Xihao and Jiankai) for giving us their experience as helpful guidance for us. Our thanks extends to our parents and friends who always supported us as we busied ourselves with this project. Our content source references can be accessed by the button to the right:

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